Access LLMs Over Limited In-Flight Wi-Fi with Vonage Messages API
Published on March 6, 2025


Stuck on a plane with limited text-only Wi-Fi? Learn how to use Vonage's Messages API to build a chatbot on WhatsApp or Messenger that connects to a powerful LLM, giving you access to AI without full internet access.


To complete this tutorial, we need to set up some items. Go ahead and install them.

  • Vonage API Account

    To complete this tutorial, you will need a Vonage API account. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up today and start building with free credit. Once you have an account, you can find your API Key and API Secret at the top of the Vonage API Dashboard.

  • A text editor or IDE

  • Ngrok

  • Node and npm installed

  • Clone the project's GitHub repository

  • Run npm install to install all the project dependencies

Create a Vonage Application

I’ll show you how to create a new Vonage application from the dashboard in the steps below. Alternatively, you can use the CLI to create an application.

Create a New Application

Go to 'Your Applications' in the dashboard and click to create a new application.

Generate Credentials 

Create a public/private key pair for API authentication. Click 'Generate public and private key’ to obtain the private key. The file will be downloaded to the location you set on your browser for downloaded files. Be sure to add that file to the project folder.

Click on ‘Generate public and private key’. On the new pop up, click on ‘Generate private key’, a private.key file is downloaded to your machine.Generate and save private key

Messages API Capability

The Vonage Messages API integrates SMS, MMS, RCS, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Viber, allowing you to communicate with your customers on the channels they like. Toggle the Messages option under capabilities; we will use Messages API v1

Configure Webhooks 

Set your server's public URL from ngrok as the endpoint for inbound messages and events. it should look like: for inbound and for status. 

If you haven’t used ngrok before, you can start here. I’ve added the steps to run an instance below the image. And if you’d like to learn more about webhooks, it’s on our Vonage documentation.

the inbound URL contains the ngrok URL with /inbound appended. The Status URL contains the ngrok URL with /status appended.Messages capability


Run the following command to start an ngrok tunneling instance. You can see that a ‘Forwarding’ URL has been generated, which is used to add the Messages API capabilities.

ngrok                                                                 (Ctrl+C to quit)
👋 Goodbye tunnels, hello Agent Endpoints:                               
Session Status                online                                                             
Account                       plan name                                         
Version                       3.19.1                                                             
Region                        Europe (eu)                                                        
Latency                       31ms                                                               
Web Interface                                                     
Forwarding           -> http://localhost:8000            
Connections                   ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90                        
                              14      0       0.03    0.03    6.10    7.79    

Set Up the Vonage Messages API WhatsApp Sandbox

Now that we have set up the Vonage application, we will use the WhatsApp Sandbox environment. Once you're ready to put your application in production, you can use a WhatsApp business account. With a few lines of codeand setup adjustments, you can also integrate this application with channels such as Viber, FacebookMessenger, andInstagram.

Create a Messages API WhatsApp Sandbox

Navigate to the Vonage Messages API Sandbox page and set up your Messages API WhatsApp Sandbox.

Add WebHooks

Add the ngrok-generated URL to your application and to the Messages API Sandbox, append /inbound and status, respectively, and click 'Save webhooks.'

Two fields, one for inbound and outbound URLs.Webhooks

Project Code to Use the WhatsApp Sandbox

We have created the function sendMessage()to send a WhatsApp text message using the Vonage API sandbox. It prepares the necessary payload (sender, recipient, message), includes the required authentication headers, and sends a request to the Vonage sandbox API to deliver the message.

The endpoint /inbound processes incoming WhatsApp messages via a webhook from Vonage. When a message is received, the handler extracts the message content and sender’s number and then uses the getLLMResponse() function to generate a reply. This response is sent back to the user using the sendMessage function. If an error occurs, a message is sent to the user, and the issue is logged for debugging. The /status endpoint logs the request data, checks if the user is authorized using a JWT, and then responds with a success message.

Add Google Gemini Integration

We will use Gemini as an example for this tutorial. When you navigate to AI Studio, log in, and create a new chat, you can see ‘<> Get Code’ at the top right and select your programming language of choice.

The code generated requires using a Gemini API key. You can Generate an API key and check the chosen quota and service details.

Choose the model. I've used “Gemini 2.0 Flash Experimental,” but you can choose the one that makes the most sense for your project. To learn more, visit the Gemini Developer API documentation page.

Integrate your Search to Use Open AI's ChatGPT

You could use Open AI's ChatGPT instead of Gemini when you do all the chat integration. In the server.js file, you should replace the function  getLLMResponse()that currently holds the Gemini code to use the LLM of your choice.

If you want to use OpenAI's ChatGPT, here's ChatGPT WhatsApp Integration in 5 Easy Steps (How to Guide). You can also chat with the unofficial ChatGPT bot by adding “+1 1800 242 8478” to your WhatsApp contacts.

Environment Variables

Now that we have gone through what the server.js file holds, we have to update the .env file, replacing these with the needed environment variables. We've generated some of these before, but I'll explain where to find each one.

Open your API dashboard to access your Vonage API Key and Secret. Both are found on the homepage, as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot of the Vonage API Dashboard. The main section welcomes the user, 'Welcome back, Diana,' and features the header 'Vonage API Dashboard.' Two fields are displayed: 'API Key,' showing 'Master (3e6287d2)' with a copy icon, and 'API Secret,' showing a masked value with eye and copy icons.API Key and API Secret

The VONAGE_WHATSAPP_NUMBER, which you will use to send a WhatsApp message, can be found on the Messages Sandbox Page. For sandbox testing, the number is 14157386102.

The VONAGE_APPLICATION_ID can be found within the application you’ve created.

The VONAGE_PRIVATE_KEY is the path to the private.key file that was generated when you created your application.

The VONAGE_API_SIGNATURE_SECRET is used to set up an application and use the JWT auth method. JWT authentication uses a JSON Web Token generated using a private key and application ID. 

> NOTE: When entering a phone number, don't use a leading + or 00; start with the country code, such as16600700000.

The Gemini API Key is the one you generated earlier in this tutorial.

The port is the one our express server will be running. I've set it to 8000, but feel free to change it.

# Vonage API keys







# Gemini API key


# Server port (optional; default is 8000)


Run The Application

Now that the application and environment variables are set up, make sure your ngrok instance is still running; if not, generate a new one and update the webhook in the above slots.

Run the JavaScript Server File

To run the file, open a terminal or command prompt tab, navigate to your project folder (the folder containing server.js), and then run:

node server.js

To start, send a message from your WhatsApp to the Messages API WhatsApp number and add the number to the allowlist. Your first message serves as authentication. After that, the LLM (Gemini, in this case) will automatically respond to any messages you send.

Final Remarks and Conclusion

Et voilà, that's the end of our tutorial. Today's blog post taught you how to build the whole application using the Vonage Messages API Whatsapp Sandbox to perform searches using LLMs, which are helpful on limited Wi-Fi flights.

Another suggestion is to use Vonage AI Studio to design the conversation and integrate your backend.  It even has a Generative AI node that lets you use the power of OpenAI’s Large Language Model.

Congratulations on reaching the end of this tutorial. Let us know what you build on our Vonage Community Slack, or message us on X!

Further Reading

Building a FAQ Answering Service with OpenAI and Vonage AI Studio

Build a WhatsApp Events Reminder App

Send a WhatsApp Message Tutorial

ChatGPT WhatsApp Integration in 5 Easy Steps (How to Guide)

Build an Interactive Board: WhatsApp, SMS, and MMS to a Website (Part 1)

How to Send a WhatsApp Message with Node.js (Tutorial)

Amanda CavallaroDeveloper Advocate

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