Quarter in Review: Q2 2024 Adventures
Published on July 10, 2024

Summer is around the corner, making it the perfect occasion to take our Delorean, travel back in time, and reflect on the previous quarter. Grab your favorite drink and fasten your seatbelt, we’re starting! 

5G meets Vonage APIs

If you're new to Network APIs, this summer is the perfect time to dive into this introduction to the CAMARA project. CAMARA is an open-source initiative within the Linux Foundation, where mobile operators collaborate to establish the API standards that form the foundations of the Network APIs.

One of the main differences between Networks APIs and the rest of the Vonage APIs is that the former requires approval from mobile operators to access their network capabilities. 

The approval process starts with creating a business profile, as Network APIs are designed for companies, not individuals. You'll also need to create an application profile. We've launched a step-by-step UI in our dashboard that guides you through the submission process. For those who prefer to integrate this process into their internal systems, we've introduced the Network Registry API. 

Once the operators approve your application, you can start using the Network APIs. Grab a cold soda, take your towel and laptop, and prepare to make your first API calls to the SIM Swap API and Number Verification API. Fraud prevention has never been easier!

Say Bye to Passwords

Vonage Silent Authentication is now in beta! It's a new way to perform two-factor authentication without the usual One-Time Password.

Vonage's Silent Authentication makes things easier by working with your apps to create a smooth "one-click" trace in an HTTP request, so you don't need a second step to check if a user is legit.

This new authentication mechanism belongs to the Verify API, which recently announced a new analytics dashboard. Developers can now use the Verify API in-depth for analytical purposes. How cool is that?

No More Frauds in AWS

Fraud attacks are like mosquitoes in summer: they never seem to go away. Unfortunately, these attacks are becoming more sophisticated and costly for businesses, impacting both finances and reputation. To help combat this, Vonage has launched a Fraud Protection solution on the AWS Marketplace

Vonage's Fraud Protection solution consists of existing Vonage APIs and newer generation Network APIs that Vonage is rolling out with our network partner. It also includes a fantastic developer experience to help you integrate these APIs directly into your application.

In-app Voice Support in the SDKs

Did you know that the latest version of our SDKs includes in-app Voice capabilities? If you are still using the previous version, it’s time to migrate them!

If you don't know where to start, no worries! We have backed a new guide to help developers with the transition. 

Messages Everywhere!

Good news, everyone. The Vonage Message API now supports RCS business messaging. Think of RCS as an improved version of SMS and MMS that allows devices connected to the internet to send/receive messages with larger images, videos, and files. Perfect timing to share photos with your friends wearing your favorite Spongebob swimsuit on the beach. To celebrate this new feature, we have just published a post to show how to build RCS messages using the Message API. The RCS protocol is only available on Android devices, but Apple has recently announced that iOS devices will support it from iOS 18 version.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: New Video Client SDK

It’s not a new Daft Punk song. It’s something better. A new version of the Vonage Video Client SDK has been released!

This new version includes a lot of new functionalities, such as:

  • Noise suppression API.

  • Subscriber ‘auto’ resolution to adapt the video stream and layout to fit your device screen.

  • Support for Single Peer Connection (SPC) to improve the video stream quality in mobile devices

  • New MediaStream API to manipulate and work directly with the media stream

  • New advanced audio controls for macOS and Windows.

  • Support for Android 15

Streamlined 10DLC Campaign Registration

Keeping up with the constantly changing 10DLC campaign requirements can be challenging. That's why we've revamped our registration form to guide you through every step!

Our 10DLC campaign registration process has been improved to enhance your registration experience and to help ensure regulatory compliance. The intuitive user interface includes distinct sections with a step-by-step progress bar, sample message suggestions, and guidance throughout for a seamless process.

For an overview, watch a walkthrough by our product manager Maxxie Noel, or check out our knowledge base for detailed information on the new requirements from our carrier partners.

You can also learn more about our 10DLC offering in an article by our developer advocate, Diana Pham.

Looking ahead

Summer won't last forever (fortunately for those who don’t stand hot temperatures like me) and we’ll be back next quarter with more exciting announcements. In the meantime, take note of the next events where some of our team members will be if you want to have a chat with us:

To Recap

This summer is an ideal time to explore Network APIs through the CAMARA project, an open-source initiative within the Linux Foundation that standardizes API access to mobile operator networks. Unlike Vonage APIs, Network APIs require mobile operator approval, which involves creating business and application profiles. Once approved, you can use APIs like SIM Swap and Number Verification for fraud prevention. Vonage has also introduced Silent Authentication, a smoother two-factor authentication method, and a Fraud Protection solution on AWS Marketplace to combat sophisticated attacks. Additionally, the latest Vonage SDKs offer in-app Voice capabilities, and the Message API now supports RCS business messaging for enhanced multimedia communication. Vonage's new Video Client SDK includes noise suppression and advanced audio controls. The 10DLC campaign registration process has been streamlined for better compliance and user experience, with resources available for further guidance.

We’d also love to have you join us on the Vonage Community Slack or send us a Post on X, and we will get back to you. Thanks again for reading, and I will catch up with you on the next one!

Stay safe!

Alvaro NavarroSenior Developer Advocate

Alvaro is a developer advocate at Vonage, focusing on Network APIs. Passionate about Developer Experience, APIs, and Open Source. Outside work, you can often find him exploring comic shops, attending sci-fi and horror festivals or crafting stuff with those renowned tiny plastic building blocks.

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