How to Send an SMS With Blazor
Published on May 5, 2021

Blazor is the latest in a series of what I'd call "magnificent" developer-friendly web frameworks that .NET has built. In this tutorial, we'll be reviewing how to send an SMS using Blazor and the Vonage SMS API.

Jump Right to the Code

All of the code from this tutorial is located in GitHub.


  • You'll need the latest version of the .NET Core 3.1 SDK

  • You'll need either Visual Studio 2019, Visual Studio for Mac, or Visual Studio Code⁠—I will be using VS Code for this demo

Vonage API Account

To complete this tutorial, you will need a Vonage API account. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up today and start building with free credit. Once you have an account, you can find your API Key and API Secret at the top of the Vonage API Dashboard.

Create the App

Navigate to wherever you want to build the app and run the following command in your terminal:

dotnet new blazorserver -o SendSmsBlazor

This will create a blazor server app for you called SendSmsBlazor. cd into this directory and enter the command code . to Launch VS Code. For Visual Studio users, you can just open the sln file.

Add The Vonage Nuget Package

Fire up a terminal in VSCode and run:

dotnet add package Vonage

This will install the Vonage package to the project.

Create Your SmsService

We will have to inject an SMS service into our razor page, so let's create a SmsService.

Add a new file under the Data folder called SmsService.cs. If you're using VS Code, this is just going to create a blank file, so add the following to it.

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Vonage.Messaging;
using Vonage.Request;

namespace SendSmsBlazor.Data
    public class SmsService


Add a Constructor

Inside the SmsService class, we must inject a configuration object. The config will contain our API key and API secret, which we'll configure a bit later. For the moment, all you need to do is add a new property inside the SmsService class called Configuration of type IConfiguraiton and add a Constructor taking an IConfiguration object, which will simply assign our Configuration property to that object.

public IConfiguration Configuration { get; set; }
public SmsService(IConfiguration config)
    Configuration = config;

Write Your SendSms Method

Inside the SmsService, we're going to add a SendSms method. That method will take three strings: to, from, and text which will contain the number the message is going to, the Vonage API number the message is coming from, and the text of the message.

All that's left to do from this service's perspective is:

  1. Pull the API key and secret out of the configuration

  2. Create a SmsClient

  3. Send the SMS

All of this can be accomplished with the following:

public SendSmsResponse SendSms(string to, string from, string text)
    var apiKey = Configuration["VONAGE_API_KEY"];
    var apiSecret = Configuration["VONAGE_API_SECRET"];
    var creds = Credentials.FromApiKeyAndSecret(apiKey,apiSecret);
    var client = new SmsClient(creds);
    var request = new SendSmsRequest
        To= to,
        From = from,
        Text = text
    return client.SendAnSms(request);

Configure SmsService as Injectable

Now that we have the service built, we need to make sure that we can inject it into our razor page. To do this, we need to go into Startup.cs and find the ConfigureServices function. Add the following line to the end of this function, and the service will be injectable:


Add Frontend

We're going to use the Pages/Index.razor for our frontend, so just open it up and delete everything below line 2.

Dependency Inject SmsService

The first thing we need to do here is pull in our SmsService. To that end, add a using and an inject statement, like so:

@using SendSmsBlazor.Data
@inject SmsService SmsService

Add C# Code to Send the Message

One of the really neat things about Blazor is that it allows you to run C# code in the browser—all we need is an @code{} block, and we're good to go. By doing this we are making an anonymous class in-line, so we will add a To, From, Text, and MessageId to this anonymous class and add a method called SendSms which will actually call our SmsService. This is going to look like this:

    private string To;
    private string From;
    private string Text;
    private string MessageId;
    private void SendSms()
        var response = SmsService.SendSms(To, From, Text);
        MessageId = response.Messages[0].MessageId;

Add Input Fields and Send Button

Now that we have all this out of the way, we're going to add a few input fields. The To, From, and Text fields will be populated by binding them to these input fields with the @bind attribute. At the bottom, just above the button, we will display the sent MessageId by referencing it in a paragraph tag. Finally, we'll add a button to the bottom that will call the SendSms button in our anonymous class when clicked. Add the following between the @code block and the @inject block:

<h1>Send an SMS!</h1>

Welcome to your new app Fill out the below form to send an SMS.
<input id="to" @bind="@To" class="input-group-text">
<input id="from" @bind="From" class="input-group-text">
<input id="text" @bind="Text" class="input-group-text">
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="SendSms">Send SMS</button>

Configure the App

The last thing we must do before running our server is to configure it. If you'll recall, you set an IConfiguration object in the SmsService. All you need to do is open appsettings.json and add two properties to the configuration VONAGE_API_KEY and VONAGE_API_SECRET. Set those to the API key and API secret values in the Dashboard.

Running our app

With all this done, just return to your terminal and run the following command.

dotnet run

Your application will tell you what port it's listening on—for me it's port 5001, so I'd navigate to localhost:5001, fill out the form, and hit SendSms. You'll see the SMS on the number you sent to, with the Message-ID from the SMS appearing just below the text field.


The code for this demo can be found in GitHub.

Steve LorelloVonage Alumni

Former .NET Developer Advocate @Vonage, full-stack polyglottic Software Engineer, AI/ML Grad Student, avid runner, and an even more avid traveler.

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