All You Need to Know About Sending/Receiving SMS with Node.js
Published on May 17, 2021

ICYMI, we’ve been hard at work blogging tutorials about how to use the Nexmo SMS API to add programmable SMS to Node.js applications using Express. We explained how to:

Vonage API Account

To complete this tutorial, you will need a Vonage API account. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up today and start building with free credit. Once you have an account, you can find your API Key and API Secret at the top of the Vonage API Dashboard.

This tutorial also uses a virtual phone number. To purchase one, go to Numbers > Buy Numbers and search for one that meets your needs.

Send SMS Messages with Node.js and Express

Over the course of a series of three tutorial blogs, Nexmo developer advocate Tomomi Imura outlines how to use the Nexmo SMS API. The first in her three-part series explains how to send SMS messages with Node.js and Express. There she describes her first-hand experience coding with these tools, what works, what does not work, and posts many instructive screenshots in the process.

Receive SMS Messages with Node.js and Express

In the second of her three Nexmo developer tutorial blogs, Tomomi tackles how to receive SMS messages with Node.js and Express. Using webhook callbacks and rented Nexmo virtual phone numbers she shows you how to receive inbound SMS messages. Slick!

Get an SMS Delivery Receipt with Node.js

Finally, to cap off a great set of three tutorials, Tomomi brings the messaging process full circle with her post on getting an SMS delivery receipt from a mobile carrier with Node.js. Because you need to know if your SMS has been delivered to the mobile handset. Otherwise, you’re just flying blind! So, Tomomi shows how to discover your SMS’s fate by registering a webhook callback made when its delivery status changes.

Nexmo APIs Quickstart Examples for Node.js

Or if you would like to cut to the chase, you can catch the tutorials and code samples for working with Nexmo APIs and Node.js all in one repository. Check the Nexmo node quickstart section of the Nexmo Community on GitHub. And if you don’t see what you need, feel free to request more examples.

Add SMS and Biometric Verification to iOS Apps

And just like you, we have major misgivings about privacy data breaches on mobile devices. So we’ve become part of the solution by writing another tutorial on how to use Swift and Nexmo Verify for iOS to establish two-factor authentication (2FA) layers by adding SMS and biometric verification to your iOS application. And we’ll have a 2FA demo soon. Stay tuned!

Chat with the Nexmo DevRel team @ForwardJS, ForwardSwift

Then coming up March 1 and March 2 in San Francisco, we’ll be at the ForwardJS and Forward Swift spring conferences. We invite you to come on down and meet Tomomi and me, Chris Guzman, at the booth!

You can ask us—especially Tomomi, our ace Node.js dev tutorial blogger—any JavaScript or Swift questions and how to make the most of your Nexmo user experience. Plus, all attendees can pick up some live swag (e.g., T-shirts, stickers). Come to the booth for full details.

Or to find out more in advance, contact us on Twitter @Nexmo, send us an email, or join our Nexmo Community on Slack. Learn how to get Nexmo credit and a chance to win one of two Parrot Minidrones.

And you can reach out to the DevRel team anytime on Twitter: Tomomi Imura (@girlie_mac and Chris Guzman (@speaktochris.
Chris GuzmanVonage Alumni

Chris is a Developer Advocate at Nexmo where he helps developers use their global communications platform. When he’s not at conferences you can find him roaming the world.