Today we will build an iOS
application using Flutter and utilize Vonage Client SDK to make a call from a mobile application to the phone using Vonage Conversation API. The application will have 3 screens (3 UI states):
UI states: logon, make a call, and end call
The source code for our Flutter iOS
application is available on GitHub.
Before we begin building the Flutter
application for the iOS
device, we'll need to prepare with the following prerequisites:
Create a Call Control Object (NCCO)
Install the
Vonage CLI
(previouslyNexmo CLI
)Setup the
Vonage application
Install the
Flutter SDK
Create the
Vonage Application
Create An NCCO
A Call Control Object (NCCO) is a JSON
array that we use to control the flow of a Voice API call
needs to be public and accessible by the internet. To accomplish this, in this tutorial we'll be using GitHub Gist which provides a convenient way to host the configuration. Let's add a new gist:
Go to (we have to be logged into Github)
Create a new gist with
as the filenameCopy and paste the following
object into the gist:
"action": "talk",
"text": "Please wait while we connect you."
"action": "connect",
"endpoint": [
"type": "phone",
"number": "PHONE_NUMBER"
with your phone number (Vonage numbers are in E.164 format,+
are not valid. Make sure to specify the country code when entering the number, for example, US: 14155550100 and UK: 447700900001)Click the
Create secret gist
buttonClick the
buttonTake note of the URL shown in the browser, we will be using it in the next step
Install Vonage CLI
The Vonage CLI allows us to carry out many operations using the command line. If we want to carry out tasks such as creating applications, creating conversations, purchasing Vonage numbers, and so on, we will need to install the Vonage CLI.
Vonage CLI requires Node.js
, so we will need to install Node.js first.
To install the Beta version of the CLI with npm, run this command:
npm install nexmo-cli@beta -g
Set up the Vonage CLI
to use the Vonage API Key
and API Secret
. We can get these from the settings page in the Dashboard.
Run the following command in the terminal, while replacing API_KEY
with values from the Dashboard:
nexmo setup API_KEY API_SECRET
Setup Vonage Application
Create the project directory. Run the following command in the terminal:
mkdir vonage-tutorial
Change into the project directory:
cd vonage-tutorial
Create a Vonage application by copying and pasting the command below into the terminal. Make sure to change the value of
argument by replacingGIST-URL
with the gist URL from the previous step.
nexmo app:create "App to Phone Tutorial" --capabilities=voice --keyfile=private.key --voice-event-url= --voice-answer-url=GIST-URL
Make a note of the Application ID
that is echoed in the terminal when the application is created.
NOTE: A hidden file named
is created in the project directory and contains the newly createdVonage Application ID
and the private key. A private key file namedprivate.key
is also created in the current folder.
Create User
Each participant is represented by a User object and must be authenticated by the Client SDK
. In a production application, we would typically store this user information in a database.
Execute the following command to create a user called Alice
nexmo user:create name="Alice"
Generate JWT
is used to authenticate the user. Execute the following command in the terminal to generate a JWT
for the user Alice
. In the following command replace the APPLICATION_ID
with the ID of the application:
nexmo jwt:generate sub=Alice exp=$(($(date +%s)+86400)) acl='{"paths":{"/*/users/**":{},"/*/conversations/**":{},"/*/sessions/**":{},"/*/devices/**":{},"/*/image/**":{},"/*/media/**":{},"/*/applications/**":{},"/*/push/**":{},"/*/knocking/**":{},"/*/legs/**":{}}}' application_id=APPLICATION_ID
The command above sets the expiry of the JWT
to one day from now, which is the maximum.
Make a note of the JWT
we generated for Alice
NOTE: In a production environment, the application should expose an endpoint that generates a
for each client request.
Install Xcode
Open AppStore and install Xcode.
Flutter Setup
Install Flutter SDK
Download and install Flutter SDK
This step will vary on MacOS
, Win
, and Linux
, but in general, it boils down to downloading Flutter SDK
for a given OS, extracting the Flutter SDK
file, and adding the sdk\bin
folder to the system PATH
variable. Detailed instruction for all platforms can be found here.
Fortunately, Flutter
comes with a tool that allows us to verify if SDK
and all required "components" are present and configured correctly. Run this command:
flutter doctor
Flutter Doctor
will verify if Flutter SDK
is installed and other components are installed and configured correctly.
Create Flutter Project
We will create a Flutter
project using the terminal:
flutter create app_to_phone_flutter
The above command creates app_to_phone_flutter
folder containing the Flutter
project containsios
folder, which contains theiOS
folder containing theAndroid
project; andweb
folder containingweb
Open the pubspec.yaml
file, and add permission_handler
dependency (just below sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
permission_handler: ^6.0.1+1
Indentation matters in
files, so make surepermission_handler
is at the same indentation level as theflutter:
Now run this command (path is the root of the Flutter
project) to download the above dependency:
flutter pub get
The above command will also create Podfile
in ios
subfolder. Open ios\Podfile
uncomment platform
line and update the platform version to 11
platform :ios, '11.0'
At the end of the same file add pod 'NexmoClient'
target 'Runner' do
pod 'NexmoClient'
Open app_to_phone_flutter/ios
folder in the termnal and install pods:
pod install
The above command will download all required dependencies including Flutter
, permissions handler, and Client SDK
Open Runner.xcworkspace
in Xcode
and run the app to verify that the above setup was performed correctly.
Two-way Flutter/iOS Communication
Currently, Client SDK
is not available as a Flutter
package, so we will have to use Android native Client SDK and communicate between iOS
and Flutter
using MethodChannel - this way, Flutter
will call Android methods, iOS
will call Flutter
Flutter code will be stored in the lib/main.dart
file, while iOS
native code will be stored in the ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift
Init Flutter Application
Flutter applications are built using a programming language called Dart.
Open lib/main.dart
file, and replace all of the contents with the following code:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
home: CallWidget(title: 'app-to-phone-flutter'),
class CallWidget extends StatefulWidget {
CallWidget({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_CallWidgetState createState() => _CallWidgetState();
class _CallWidgetState extends State<callwidget> {
SdkState _sdkState = SdkState.LOGGED_OUT;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <widget>[
SizedBox(height: 64),
Widget _updateView() {
if (_sdkState == SdkState.LOGGED_OUT) {
return ElevatedButton(
child: Text("LOGIN AS ALICE")
Future<void> _loginUser() async {
// Login user
Future<void> _makeCall() async {
// Make call
Future<void> _endCall() async {
// End call
enum SdkState {
The above code contains custom CallWidget
which will be responsible for managing the application state (logging the user and managing the call). The SdkState
enum represents possible states of Vonage Client SDK
. This enum will be defined twice - one for the Flutter using Dart
and one for iOS
using Swift. The widget contains the _updateView
method that will change the UI based on the SdkState
Run the application from the Xcode
Running the application from xcode
The Login as Alice
button should be displayed:
Logged out screen showing Login as Alice button
Login Screen
The Login as Alice
button is disabled so now add onPressed
handler to the ElevatedButton
to allow logging in:
Widget _updateView() {
if (_sdkState == SdkState.LOGGED_OUT) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () { _loginUser(); },
child: Text("LOGIN AS ALICE")
Update body of _loginUser
method to communicate with native code and login the user:
Future<void> _loginUser() async {
String token = "ALICE_TOKEN";
try {
await platformMethodChannel.invokeMethod('loginUser', <string, dynamic="">{'token': token});
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
Replace the ALICE_TOKEN
with the JWT
token we obtained previously from Vonage CLI
to authenticate the user Alice
for the conversation access. Flutter
will call the loginUser
method and pass the token
as an argument. The loginUser
method is defined in the MainActivity
class (we will get there in a moment). To call this method from Flutter
we have to define a MethodChannel
. Add platformMethodChannel
field at the top of _CallWidgetState
Add platformMethodChannel
field at the top of _CallWidgetState
class _CallWidgetState extends State<callwidget> {
SdkState _sdkState = SdkState.LOGGED_OUT;
static const platformMethodChannel = const MethodChannel('com.vonage');
The com.vonage
string represents the unique channel id that we will also refer to the native iOS
code (AppDelegate
class). Now we need to handle this method call on the native iOS
Open ios/Runner/AppDelegate
class and vonageChannel
property that will hold the reference to the FlutterMethodChannel
@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
var vonageChannel: FlutterMethodChannel?
To listen for method calls originating from Flutter
add addFlutterChannelListener
method inside AppDelegate
class (same level as above application
func addFlutterChannelListener() {
let controller = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController
vonageChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.vonage",
binaryMessenger: controller.binaryMessenger)
vonageChannel?.setMethodCallHandler({ [weak self]
(call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) -> Void in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch(call.method) {
case "loginUser":
if let arguments = call.arguments as? [String: String],
let token = arguments["token"] {
self.loginUser(token: token)
The above method "translates" the Flutter
method calls to methods defined in the AppDelegate
class (the loginUser
for now).
And missing the loginUser
methods inside the same class (we will fill the body soon):
func loginUser(token: String) {
Now add addFlutterChannelListener
method call inside the application
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
The code is in place - after pressing the Login As Alice
button the Flutter app will call the _loginUser
method. Through the Flutter
platform channel, the method will call the loginUser
method defined in the AppDelegate
Run the application from Xcode
to make sure it is compiling.
Before we will be able to log in user we need to initialize the Vonage SDK Client
Initialize Client
Open AppDelegate
class and add the NexmoClient
import at the top of the file:
import NexmoClient
In the same file add client
property that will hold a reference to Vonage Client
@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
var vonageChannel: FlutterMethodChannel?
let client = NXMClient.shared
Now add initClient
method to initialize the client:
func initClient() {
To call the initClient
method from the existing application
method, we're going to need to add the initClient()
line as shown in the example below:
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
Before allowing conversation we need to know that the user has correctly logged in. In the AppDelegate
file add a delegate to listen for Vonage Client SDK
connection state changes:
extension AppDelegate: NXMClientDelegate {
func client(_ client: NXMClient, didChange status: NXMConnectionStatus, reason: NXMConnectionStatusReason) {
switch status {
case .connected:
notifyFlutter(state: .loggedIn)
case .disconnected:
notifyFlutter(state: .loggedOut)
case .connecting:
notifyFlutter(state: .wait)
@unknown default:
notifyFlutter(state: .error)
Finally, the notifyFlutter
method needs to be added to the same class:
func client(_ client: NXMClient, didReceiveError error: Error) {
notifyFlutter(state: .error)
Login the User
Modify loginUser
method body to call login
on the client instance:
func loginUser(token: String) {
self.client.login(withAuthToken: token)
This method will allow us to log-in the user (Alice
) using the Client SDK
to access the conversation.
Notify Flutter About Client SDK State Change
To notify Flutter
of any changes to the state in the Client SDK
, we'll need to add an enum
to represents the states of the Client SDK
. We've already added the equivalent SdkState
enum in the main.dart
file. Add the following SdkState
enum, at the bottom of the MainActivity.kt
enum SdkState: String {
case loggedOut = "LOGGED_OUT"
case loggedIn = "LOGGED_IN"
case wait = "WAIT"
case onCall = "ON_CALL"
case error = "ERROR"
To send these states to Flutter
(from above delegate) we need to add notifyFlutter
method in the AppDelegate
func notifyFlutter(state: SdkState) {
vonageChannel?.invokeMethod("updateState", arguments: state.rawValue)
Notice that we store the state in the enum, but we are sending it as a string.
Retrieve SDK State Update By Flutter
To retrieve state updates in Flutter
we have to listen for method channel updates. Open main.dart
file and add _CallWidgetState
constructor with custom handler:
_CallWidgetState() {
Inside the same class (_CallWidgetState
) add the handler method:
Future<dynamic> methodCallHandler(MethodCall methodCall) async {
switch (methodCall.method) {
case 'updateState':
setState(() {
var arguments = 'SdkState.${methodCall.arguments}';
_sdkState = SdkState.values.firstWhere((v) {return v.toString() == arguments;}
throw MissingPluginException('notImplemented');
These methods receive the "signal" from Android and convert it to an enum. Now update the contents of the _updateView
method to support SdkState.WAIT
and SdkState.LOGGED_IN
states, as shown in the example below:
Widget _updateView() {
if (_sdkState == SdkState.LOGGED_OUT) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () { _loginUser(); },
child: Text("LOGIN AS ALICE")
} else if (_sdkState == SdkState.WAIT) {
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
} else if (_sdkState == SdkState.LOGGED_IN) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () { _makeCall(); },
child: Text("MAKE PHONE CALL")
During SdkState.WAIT
the progress bar will be displayed. After successful login application will show the MAKE PHONE CALL
Run the app and click the button labeled LOGIN AS ALICE
button should appear, which is another state of the Flutter
app based on the SdkState
enum`). An example of this is shown in the image below:
Make a phone call UI state
Make A Call
We now need to add functionality to make a phone call. Open the main.dart
file and update the body of _makeCall
method as shown below:
Future<void> _makeCall() async {
try {
await platformMethodChannel
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
The above method will communicate with iOS
so we have to update code in the AppDelegate
class as well. Add makeCall
clauses to the switch
statement inside addFlutterChannelListener
func addFlutterChannelListener() {
let controller = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController
vonageChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.vonage",
binaryMessenger: controller.binaryMessenger)
vonageChannel?.setMethodCallHandler({ [weak self]
(call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) -> Void in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch(call.method) {
case "loginUser":
if let arguments = call.arguments as? [String: String],
let token = arguments["token"] {
self.loginUser(token: token)
case "makeCall":
Now in the same file add the onGoingCall
property, which defines if and when a call is ongoing:
var onGoingCall: NXMCall?
NOTE: Currently the
Client SDK
does not store ongoing call reference, so we have to store it in theAppDelegate
class. We will use it later to end the call.
Now in the same class add makeCall
func makeCall() {"IGNORED_NUMBER", callHandler: .server) { [weak self] (error, call) in
guard let self = self else { return }
if error != nil {
self.notifyFlutter(state: .error)
self.onGoingCall = call
self.notifyFlutter(state: .onCall)
The above method sets the state of the Flutter
app to SdkState.WAIT
and waits for the Client SDK
response (error or success). Now we need to add support for both states (SdkState.ON_CALL
and SdkState.ERROR
) inside main.dart
file. Update body of the _updateView
method to show the same as below:
Widget _updateView() {
if (_sdkState == SdkState.LOGGED_OUT) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () { _loginUser(); },
child: Text("LOGIN AS ALICE")
} else if (_sdkState == SdkState.WAIT) {
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
} else if (_sdkState == SdkState.LOGGED_IN) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () { _makeCall(); },
child: Text("MAKE PHONE CALL")
} else if (_sdkState == SdkState.ON_CALL) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () { _endCall(); },
child: Text("END CALL")
} else {
return Center(
child: Text("ERROR")
Each state change will result in UI modification. Before making a call the application needs specific permissions to use the microphone. In the next step, we're going to add the functionality in the project to request these permissions.
Request Permissions
The application needs to be able to access the microphone, so we have to request access to the microphone (Permission.microphone
for Flutter
Open ios/Runner/info.plist
file and add Privacy - Microphone Usage Description
key with Make a call
Setting add microphone permission
We already added the permission_handler package to the Flutter
project. Now at the top of the main.dart
file, we'll need to import the permission_handler
package as shown in the example below:
import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
To trigger the request for certain permissions, we'll need to add the requestPermissions()
method within the _CallWidgetState
class inside the main.dart
file. So add this new method inside the class:
Future<void> requestPermissions() async {
await [ Permission.microphone ].request();
The above method will request permissions using permission_handler
In the same class, modify the body of the _makeCall
class to request permissions before calling the method via the method channel:
Future<void> _makeCall() async {
try {
await requestPermissions();
Run the app and click MAKE PHONE CALL
to start a call. The permissions dialogue will appear and, after granting the permissions, the call will start.
Reminder: we defined the phone number earlier in the
The state of the application will be updated to SdkState.ON_CALL
and the UI will be updated:
On call UI
End Call
To end the call we need to trigger the method on the native iOS
application using platformMethodChannel
. Inside main.dart
file, update the body of the _endCall
Future<void> _endCall() async {
try {
await platformMethodChannel.invokeMethod('endCall');
} on PlatformException catch (e) {}
The above method will communicate with iOS
, so we have to update code in the AppDelegate
class as well. Add endCall
clauses to the switch
statement inside the addFlutterChannelListener
func addFlutterChannelListener() {
let controller = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController
vonageChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.vonage",
binaryMessenger: controller.binaryMessenger)
vonageChannel?.setMethodCallHandler({ [weak self]
(call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) -> Void in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch(call.method) {
case "loginUser":
if let arguments = call.arguments as? [String: String],
let token = arguments["token"] {
self.loginUser(token: token)
case "makeCall":
case "endCall":
Now in the same class add the endCall
func endCall() {
onGoingCall = nil
notifyFlutter(state: .loggedIn)
The above method sets the state of the Flutter
app to SdkState.WAIT
and waits for the response from the Client SDK
, which can be either error or success. Both UI states are already supported in the Flutter
application (_updateView
We have handled ending the call by pressing the END CALL
button in the Flutter
application UI. However, the call can also end outside of the Flutter
app, e.g. the call will be rejected or answered, and later ended by the callee (on the real phone).
To support these cases we have to add the NexmoCallEventListener
listener to the call instance and listen for call-specific events.
In the AppDelegares.swift
file add NXMCallDelegate
extension AppDelegate: NXMCallDelegate {
func call(_ call: NXMCall, didUpdate callMember: NXMCallMember, with status: NXMCallMemberStatus) {
if (status == .completed || status == .cancelled) {
onGoingCall = nil
notifyFlutter(state: .loggedIn)
func call(_ call: NXMCall, didUpdate callMember: NXMCallMember, isMuted muted: Bool) {
func call(_ call: NXMCall, didReceive error: Error) {
notifyFlutter(state: .error)
To register above listener modify onSuccess
callback inside makeCall
func makeCall() {"IGNORED_NUMBER", callHandler: .server) { [weak self] (error, call) in
guard let self = self else { return }
if error != nil {
self.notifyFlutter(state: .error)
self.onGoingCall = call
self.notifyFlutter(state: .onCall)
Run the app and make a phone call from the mobile application to a physical phone number.
We have successfully built the application. By doing so we have learned how to make a phone call from a mobile application to the phone using Vonage Client SDK
. For the complete project please check GitHub. This project additionally contains the Android native code (android
folder) allowing us to run this app on Android as well.
To familiarize yourself with other functionalities please check other tutorials and Vonage developer center.
