Explore Vonage Video API Capabilities with Vonage Video API Playground
Published on August 10, 2021

What Is the ‘Playground’?

Vonage Video API Playground is a demo of a web app where you can explore basic Vonage Video API capabilities. You can publish a stream and subscribe to it using your own project API key. It is based on the OpenTok.js SDK and you can choose the SDK version up to the second to last.


To access the Playground, you will need a Vonage Video API account.

Vonage API Account

To complete this tutorial, you will need a Vonage API account. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up today and start building with free credit. Once you have an account, you can find your API Key and API Secret at the top of the Vonage API Dashboard.

How to Use Playground

You don’t need to write any code. Playground requires you to log in to your Video API account if you haven't logged in yet.

What you can do with Playground:

  • Publish a stream

  • Subscribe to a stream

  • Signaling API

  • Archiving

  • Broadcasting

  • Dial SIP


I’m going to show you how to publish a stream and subscribe to it using Playground.

In a desktop browser, go to Playground.

The user interface for the initial Playground page with "Create new session" tab highlightedThe user interface for the initial Playground page with "Create new session" tab highlighted

Click on Create to create a session.

Optional: Change account ID or project API key, JS SDK version, Media mode, Token role or expiration time.

The user interface for the Playground page with the session informationThe user interface for the Playground page with the session information

Click on Connect to connect to a session.

Optional: You can configure your own TURN server or IP Proxy from the Advanced Firewall Control menu.

The user interface for the Playground page with the "Publish Stream" iconThe user interface for the Playground page with the "Publish Stream" icon

Click on Publish Stream.

The user interface for the Playground with pop-up menu for publisher optionsThe user interface for the Playground with pop-up menu for publisher options

Click on Publish.

Optional: Change publisher option. Choose videoSource as ‘screen’ for screen-sharing.

The user interface for the Playground with publisher screenThe user interface for the Playground with publisher screen

Now you are publishing a stream in the session. You can also use Signaling, Archiving, Broadcasting, and SIP here.

Next, let’s join the session from another device. Click on Session information and copy the session ID.

The user interface for the Playground with session informationThe user interface for the Playground with session information

From another device, browse to https://tokbox.com/developer/tools/playground/

The user interface for the initial Playground page with "Join existing session" tab highlightedThe user interface for the initial Playground page with "Join existing session" tab highlighted

Click on Join existing session and paste the session ID. Click on Join Session.

Publish a stream from Publish Stream. Now you are interactively publishing and subscribing.

The user interface for the Playground page with 2 publishers screensThe user interface for the Playground page with 2 publishers screens

Once the session is finished, click on Disconnect to disconnect from the session.

Yukari DumbursVideo API Support Engineer

Yukari Dumburs is Video API Support Engineer at Vonage. Her background is in the field of application and server engineering. Outside of work, she enjoys swimming, cycling, reading or drawing manga, and spending quality time with family.

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