Vonage Video API - React Native SDK Gains Official Support

We are proud to announce that the previously community-supported React Native SDK for the Vonage Video API has now gained official support from Vonage!

But what does this mean? With this becoming an official SDK, developers looking to use the React Native SDK can expect the same excellent support we offer for all the official SDKs!

Developers can be more confident using the React Native SDK in their production environments, with more regular updates and long-term maintenance commitments.

Come across issues when integrating this SDK? You can now access top-notch help and guidance via the Vonage support team.

Looking to get started with the React Native SDK?

Check out the new official documentation, where you can find everything you need, from installation guides to sample applications. We also have several sample applications, which can be found in the React Native Samples repo.

You can also find the react native package on npm and the SDK source code within the SDKs GitHub repository.
Zachary PowellSr Android Developer Advocate