Stream Audio into a Phone Call with Node.js

Published on March 25, 2025


When you have your customer on a voice call, you have her undivided attention. Why not use that opportunity to tell her the latest news about your company, relay an inspiring message from your CEO, or even play her your latest advertising jingle?

In this blog post, you will learn how to play an audio file into an active call programmatically using the Vonage Voice API and Node.js.

Before you Begin

To work through this example, you'll need Node.js. If you don't already have it, install it from theNode.js website.

You can provision a number in the Vonage Developer Dashboard, but we'll talk you through using the Vonage CLI to purchase a number, create a voice application, and then link your number to it.

Finally, you'll want thesource code used in this article on GitHub. 

Clone the repository and cd into the application's root directory.

Install and Configure the Vonage CLI

Install the Vonage CLI globally using the following command:

npm install @vonage/cli -g

Then, configure the CLI with your Vonage API key and secret, which you will find in the Developer Dashboard:

Vonage auth set –api-key=’VONAGE_API_KEY –api-secret=’VONAGE_API_SECRET’

Replace the VONAGE_API_KEY and VONAGE_API_SECRET with your details to authenticate the CLI.

Open your API dashboard to access your Vonage API Key and Secret. Both are found on the homepage, as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot of the Vonage API Dashboard. The main section welcomes the user, 'Welcome back, Diana,' and features the header 'Vonage API Dashboard.' Two fields are displayed: 'API Key,' showing 'Master (3e6287d2)' with a copy icon, and 'API Secret,' showing a masked value with eye and copy icons.API Key and API Secret

You can validate your authentication to make sure everything is working using the following command:

vonage auth check

If you have installed the CLI in your local project rather than globally, you can add an extra flag to check:

vonage auth check –local

Purchase a Vonage Number

You need a number from which to make calls. Purchase one by executing the following command, replacing the country code as appropriate. For example, if you are in the USA, replace [COUNTRYCODE] with US:

vonage numbers search [COUNTRYCODE]

You can purchase the phone number by running the code below from your terminal. It is important to note that some countries require address validation, and the purchase must be made via the Vonage dashboard and not the command line.

vonage numbers buy [COUNTRYCODE] [MSIDSN]

Make a note of the telephone number that the command returns.

Create the Voice Application

To use the Voice API, you must create a Voice API application. This is not the same thing as the web application you are building. It is merely a container for the configuration and security information you need to connect to Vonage's APIs.

vonage apps create "Play audio app" --private-key-file=~/private.key

You will receive the following data to note down:

Name: play audio app

Application ID: 7a319bf9-49e7-413d-914b-402fe8e68228

Improve AI: Off

Private/Public Key: Set

You’ll notice that we have given the command the argument of private-key-file. This will download your private key for you once the command has executed: locate this key file (in the command, I have used the UNIX-like ~/ location, which is the home folder; you’ll want to set it to something like. C:\Users\YOUR-USER-NAME if you are using Powershell in Windows) and place the file in the root directory of the accompanying blog article code.

We have not set the application to use the Voice API yet, so run the following command to add the Voice capability:

vonage apps capabilities update [VONAGE_APPLICATION_ID] --voice-answer-url= --voice-event-url=

You will notice that we are setting the voice-answer-url and the voice-event-url at the application level here. These are placeholders for now, and you do not need to change these values. The reason here is that the code used to make the call will dynamically create these during the HTTP calls that are made. 

Initialize the Dependencies

To build this app, let’s take the bare minimum requirements to make a Voice call and be able to update the call instance to play audio into the call. You will need the following:

  • dotenv - a lightweight library that allows you to read in an environment variables file (the de-facto standard is naming it .env. We’ll need this to inject the API key and Secret from the Vonage Dashboard at runtime.

  • express - The lightest and most widely used node framework for basic HTTP functionality. 

  • @vonage/server-sdk - the REST client library for Node.js.

  • @vonage/voice - Vonage Voice SDK for Node.js

We can install one of these in the command line. Firstly, we’ll need to initialize the project as an npm project, which will then ask you a series of questions to define the overall project. You can choose the defaults for now; it will also ask you if there are any packages you want to install, but we’ll skip this to clarify how we add the dependencies afterward. You can also use yarn for this, so I have included that as a separate terminal snippet. Choose which works for you:

npm init

yarn init

Hit return to choose all of the default values - you can call this package whatever you wish, as it’s not important in this context. Once you have done this, npm or yarn will create a package.json file for you. From here, we can then add the individual packages:

npm install dotenv express @vonage/server-sdk @vonage/voice

Expose your Application to the Internet

We need to expose our application to the Internet so that Vonage's servers can send our application the Voice API webhooks. We recommend using ngrok for this.

You can learn more on how to get ngrok up and running to install and run ngrok on port 3000 (this is express.js’s default port). For example:

ngrok http 3000

ngrok will give you a temporary URL, such as Make a note of it.

Leave ngrok running while you are using the application; otherwise, the URLs will change, and you will need to reconfigure it.

Configure the Environment

Copy. example.env to .env and enter the details you have harvested from the above steps:



VONAGE_NUMBER= The number you rented from Vonage

TO_NUMBER= The number you want the application to call

BASE_URL= The ngrok temporary URL

You are now ready to see the application in action!

Run the Application

Launch the application by executing the following command:

node server.js

If your express.js app is happy, you should get a log stating that the app is listening on port 3000. Visit http://localhost:3000/call in your browser. This makes a GET request to the /call endpoint in your application and causes it to ring the TO_NUMBER in .env.

You will hear a message, followed by music that plays for 20 seconds, and then the call disconnects.

How Does It Work?

Let’s look at how this is all pieced together in the code. There are three parts to how the application works:

  1. Make the Outbound call.

  2. Give Vonage the NCCO object that will define what happens when the end customer answers the call.

  3. Stream the hold music audio into an active call.

Make the Outbound call

The following code is executed when you send a GET request to the /call endpoint:

try {

   console.log("Making the outbound call...");

   const resp = await voice.createOutboundCall(


       to: [{ type: "phone", number: TO_NUMBER }],

       from: { type: "phone", number: VONAGE_NUMBER },

       answer_url: [answer_url],

       answer_method: HttpMethod.POST, // This will hit the NCCO response

       event_url: [event_url], // Event URL to track events like answered



   console.log("Outbound call response:", resp);

   res.status(200).send("Call initiated!");

 } catch (error) {

   console.error("Error making the outbound call:", error);

   res.status(500).send("Failed to make call.");


The dotenv library takes care of importing the .env file variables, so we know who to dial. The answer_url tells Vonage what to do when the phone is answered - what we’re going to do here is give back an NCCO, which we are going to use the NCCO Builder class in the Node SDK to create.

Defining The Answer NCCO

We define the answer_url as an endpoint in our express.js app with the following code:"/audio/answer", (req, res) => {

 const builder = new NCCOBuilder();


   new Talk('Here is some soothing music for you')



   new Stream(audio_url)


 // Send back the generated NCCO



Firstly, it’s that defines the route for the application. What happens next is in two parts: Vonage is expecting instructions in the form of an NCCO to tell it what to do when the phone is answered, so there are two parts to this.

1. Use Talk To Tell The End Customer Music Is On The Way

You can see that we created a new NCCOBuilder object. This class handles all the necessary methods and wraps building the NCCO JSON object neatly for the developer. The first task is to tell the end user that some lovely music is on the way, so the code then creates a. Talk() object that takes a string argument as the text-to-speech. Using the addAction(), you can add any value objects you want to instruct Vonage to do in the call. These can include capturing user input via. DTMF, capturing audio recordings and text-to-speech.

2. Stream The Sound Into An Active Call

This NCCO will be constructed synchronously, so instructions in the NCCO payload will be carried out one at a time. The next instruction is to give a public URL of our hosted music file to stream into the call. This is very similar to the Talk() action. We give the builder a new sequential action to carry out, which is a Stream() action. The first argument is a string of the URL we want to point to, which we have already defined as the audio_url variable.

And there you have it! Two commands to give Vonage for the call in progress on answering the phone, and now we have lovely relaxing music while we wait in a fictional, presumably stressful queue for… concert tickets or a doctor’s appointment.


In this post, you learned how to play audio into an existing call and about the NCCO actions that govern the call flow. Feel free to experiment by substituting different audio files and NCCO actions. The following resources might help:

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Amanda CavallaroDeveloper Advocate