Announcing Vonage Network APIs - Available Now
Published on February 27, 2024


This week at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Vonage introduced several new Network APIs. The Network APIs unlock advanced features of communications service providers' (CSPs) networks beyond just SMS and Voice. These APIs empower developers with innovative network capabilities by harnessing mobile networks, including 5G. Built following CAMARA standards, Vonage Network APIs streamline access to various mobile networks, guaranteeing a smooth customer experience and maximizing application flexibility and portability. Let's dive in and revolutionize the game! đź’Ş

What Network APIs are available?

Number Verification

Number Verification is your go-to API for hassle-free authentication! This API has your back, whether online account setups, password resets, or essential transactions. It securely verifies your customer's identity using their mobile data connection straight from their active SIM card. No more interrupting your users with pesky passwords or one-time passcodes! With Number Verification, it's all about seamless, effortless authentication.

In addition to being available as a stand-alone API, Vonage is integrating Number Verification within the Verify API by expanding coverage of the Silent Authentication channel.

Today, we are launching this in 2 locations with the following carriers:

  • Germany - Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica & Vodafone

  • Spain - Orange, Telefonica & Vodafone

To access Vonage Network APIs, developers are required to Pre-register. The Vonage Network Registry is an industry-first service that provides simplified access to Vonage network APIs across all supported networks. Customers who want access to CSP mobile network capabilities can easily register in three simple steps: add a business profile, create a network application profile, and submit their request. Once submitted, Vonage ensures registrations are passed to all its CSP partners to approve and provision the service directly In their mobile networks.

To learn more about Number Verification, visit our documentation or our API Reference.

SIM Swap

This powerful API strengthens SIM-based authentication methods, including SMS One-Time Passwords and silent authentication. It keeps track of the last SIM swap on a specific mobile number and checks the activation date of a SIM card in real time.

An application developer can easily integrate this capability and use it to answer two distinct questions*:

  • When did the last SIM swap occur?

  • Has a SIM swap happened during the last n hours?

With the SIM Swap API in your toolkit, you'll effortlessly boost security and keep fraudsters at bay.

To learn more about SIM Swap API, visit our documentation.

What’s Next?

Now that you know about our Network APIs and what they provide, you should start using them! To begin using the Network APIs, you must register through the Customer Dashboard. See our guide on the Vonage Network Registry process for more information.

We’d also love to have you join us on the Vonage Developer Slack or send us a Post on X, and we will get back to you. Thanks again for reading, and I will catch up with you on the next one!
Michael CrumpManager, Developer Experiences

Michael Crump works at Vonage on the Developer Experiences team and is a coder, YouTuber, and frequent speaker of various .NET and cloud/communication development topics. He’s passionate about helping developers understand the benefits of each in a no-nonsense way.