10 Hot Summer Apps You Can Build with Open-Source APIs
Published on August 16, 2023

As a beacon of code and a big fan of summer, I've been exploring ways to mix enjoying the season with a bit of coding. The sun is out, and here are some hot apps you can build to pair with your favorite summer activities.

Have Some Ice Cream with Your IDE

  1. Hydration Manager: Thirst isn't always a reliable early indicator of the body's need for water. Many people don't feel thirsty until they're already dehydrated. To make sure you stay hydrated this summer, you can build an app using the Vonage Messages API that sends friendly reminders to drink up!

  2. UV Index Forecaster: After experiencing a couple of painful sunburns, I've learned that the UV index is not just a number but a crucial health indicator. It is a scale from 0 to 11+ that measures the sun's intensity which can cause skin damage and cancer when exposed without protection. Being aware of UV radiation levels can help you better plan your outdoor activities and take the right measures, such as wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, and protective clothing.

TL;DR wear sunscreen and build an app with the OpenUV API that provides real-time information about UV radiation levels, encouraging users to be sun smart!

  1. Camping Companion: Living in Colorado, I'm spoiled with numerous campsites. Using the National Park Service API, build a camping app that provides camping recipes, safety information, and a checklist for camping gear would make any novice camper feel like a pro.

  2. Grill Guru: Who doesn't love grilling in summer? An app using the Spoonacular API would not only suggest delicious grill recipes but also throw in a few summer drink ideas to quench that summer thirst–just make sure to stay hydrated with water (See 1).

  3. Air Quality Tracker: Some summers, I feel like I'm allergic to the air. But with an air quality tracker app using the Breezometer API, users can get insights about air quality, nearby wildfires, and pollen - helping them plan their day better and receiving insights about the cleanest route to take.

  4. Climbing Journal: I am not a runner. The only running I do is from my problems. So I was happy to find an alternative cardio workout: rock climbing! It could help with lower back pain which I definitely suffer from as someone sitting at my desk all day. This study shows that climbing can serve as a cheaper alternative to physical therapy. By using the OpenBeta API, you can create an app to find climbing routes and share experiences and tips with fellow climbers.

  5. Personal Fitness Coach: Need that big brain energy? Exercise has been proven to improve brain function because it stimulates the production of chemicals in the brain that helps brain cells and blood vessels grow and survive. Build an app using the Strava API to create personalized training plans as a fantastic motivator for anyone wanting to stay active and improve their memory and thinking skills this summer.

  6. Plant Parent App: As a proud (though horrible) plant parent, I've had my fair share of plant blunders. An app built with the Perenual API would save many plants by giving advice on care, sunlight requirements, and much more.

  7. Geocaching Guide: Geocaching is a high-tech global treasure hunt that involves problem-solving and exploring the outdoors. Players locate hidden containers, or "geocaches," using GPS coordinates. An app built with the Groundspeak API would add to the excitement by allowing players to uncover new locations, share their finds, and engage with others in the geocaching community.

  8. Beach Bounty Hunter: There's nothing like finding the perfect beach spot to bask in the summer sun. With the MagicSeaweed API, developers can craft a beach discovery app. Users can filter by preferred amenities, crowd size, or surf conditions and even share secret beach locations with the community. Create a treasure map for beach lovers everywhere!

Share Your Summer Projects

There you have it - a collection of summer-themed app ideas that combine fun in the sun with the joy of coding. Don't forget to share your summer coding adventures with us on social media! Follow and tag us on Twitter or join our community Slack channel to show off your work. Whether you're coding in a cozy indoor corner or taking your laptop to the beach, we want to see how you're making the most of summer with your coding skills!

Feel free to reach out to me personally on Twitter. Until next time, enjoy the sunshine, stay hydrated, and happy coding!

Diana PhamDeveloper Advocate

Diana is a developer advocate at Vonage. She likes eating fresh oysters.