Vonage Developer Relations in 2020
Published on February 23, 2021

Continuing our annual tradition of looking back on the year gone by, today we release our Developer Relations infographic for 2020.

It was a different year for us all but despite the challenges, we're extremely proud of what we achieved and are excited about building on what the past year taught us about how to approach our developer relations efforts and support the amazing developer community we've been building.

Our 2020 In Numbers - An Infographic from the Vonage Platform & Developer Experience TeamOur 2020 In Numbers - An Infographic from the Vonage Platform & Developer Experience Team

Millions & Billions

Thanks to the 29.3% increase in developers using Vonage Communications APIs in 2020, 13.5 billion API calls were made. Those API calls were aided by:

2020 was a big year for our SDKs, with 59 releases made, and there's much more on the way in 2021.


Despite a lack of travel, our team virtually visited a more globally diverse set of countries than ever before—from their very own homes.

117 talks were given in 2020, all around the world, with a huge range of time differences, topics, and audiences to interact with on a variety of new platforms.

In addition, we also supported 68 events worldwide which, combined with Twitter, Twitch, and every other place we 'virtually' found ourselves in 2020, led to a massive 86% increase in our online audience.

In With The New

There were some exciting new aspects to what we do that are featured in this infographic for the first time, let's take a deeper look at those:

Vonage Voyagers

The Vonage Voyagers program didn't exist a year ago. Over the past year, we've accepted new developers from 11 countries and we're working with them to grow as developers, gain new skills, write and talk about what they love whilst sharing their experiences working with Communications APIs with their global community.

There's much more to come both from, and for, them in 2021 but if you want to learn more about the program and how you, or someone you know, can get involved, you can find more details here.

Live Streaming

Streaming is something many of the team are keen on but it hadn't been a big part of what we did until 2020. Now it's a very regular offering, week in, week out on our Twitch channel.

We streamed 155 times, boosted by an epic run of daily streams during Hacktoberfest in October.

Fancy some number fun? Okay, we got you! Combined, stream viewers watched 128,666 minutes of streams, which is 89 days, or 12 weeks' worth of viewing! Wow. Thanks for spending so much time with us.

If you haven't caught a stream yet, there's something for everyone happening almost daily and you can see the full schedule on Vonage DevTV. The full archive is also available on our YouTube channel along with a whole load more great content.

Here's To 2021

We can't wait to see what the infographic we create one year from now is going to look like. If you'd like to get involved in supporting developers on their journey with Vonage's Communications APIs and join the team that made all this happen, we have a whole range of great opportunities on Vonage Careers that you should definitely take a look at.

Martyn DaviesVonage Alumni

Former Director of Developer Education at Vonage. With a background as a creative developer, product manager, and hack day organizer, Martyn has been working as a technology advocate since 2012 having previously spent time in broadcasting and major record companies. Educating and empowering developers all over the world.