Closing 2022 With Apidays and Devcity Paris
Published on January 19, 2023

After the successful DevCity San Francisco at Dreamforce and DevCity London, the Vonage Developer Relations team closed out the year at the apidays conference with the final DevCity stop - Paris.

Apidays Paris

The conference was held on 14-16 December 2022 and attracted 1700 attendees.

On opening day, David Darmon, Vonage’s VP of Sales EMEA, took to the stage for a talk called "Become a Conversational Commerce Trailblazer – the Drive for CX Innovation". The room was so crowded that there were barely enough seats!

David Darmon giving a talk at apidays Paris"David Darmon giving a talk at apidays Paris"

The room at David Darmon's talk at apidays Paris"The room at David Darmon's talk at apidays Paris"

Vonage Developer Advocate, Benjamin Aronov, ran a workshop titled ‘NoCode, LowCode, Boss Mode: Reimagining User Experience with AI Studio’ where participants left ready to build their first AI Studio agent after the session.

Vonage was a Gold Sponsor with an exhibition booth and plenty of swag. Attendees had a lot of fun solving our Anagram Challenge and there was a Vonage Raffle to win an Apple iPad Mini. We had a great time learning from the attendees and helping them learn more about Vonage APIs.

Vonage DevRel Team at apidays"Vonage DevRel Team at apidays"

Vonage swag at apidays Paris"Vonage swag at apidays Paris"

Congratulations to Olivier, our raffle winner! We hope you are enjoying your iPad Mini.

Raffle winner at apidays Paris"Raffle winner at apidays Paris"

DevCity Paris

On 15 December, we ran our very own networking party at DevCity Paris. Benjamin was the host at DevCity Paris and warmly welcomed the attendees with an introduction to Vonage APIs.

Benjamin Aronov at DevCity Paris"Benjamin Aronov at DevCity Paris"

DevCity Paris"DevCity Paris"

He was then joined by special guest, Arnaud Lauret, Author of ‘The Design of Web APIs’ (and known as the API Handyman), to discuss best practices for building APIs. Arnaud talked about API Governance, his work as an API researcher, and lessons learned in API Design.

After that, our .NET Developer Advocate, Guillaume Faas, delivered a live demo on enhancing collaborative experience with Video APIs.

Guillaume Faas at DevCity Paris"Guillaume Faas at DevCity Paris"

The networking party concluded with…networking! Folks were able to connect and interact with like-minded developers while sipping tasty cocktails.

10th Anniversary Soiree

Lastly, the crescendo of the conference was the apidays 10th Anniversary Soiree sponsored by Vonage! Vonage held a special festive photo competition with an iTunes gift card prize. Participants were encouraged to wear purple Vonage Santa hats, purple bobbing headbands, and use our fun photobooth!

Vonage DevRel Team at DevCity Paris"Vonage DevRel Team at DevCity Paris"

DevCity Paris photobooth"DevCity Paris photobooth"

DevCity Paris photobooth "DevCity Paris photobooth "

Congratulations to Tad for winning our festive photo contest!

DevCity Paris photobooth winner"DevCity Paris photobooth winner"

Connecting with more developers

Au revoir 2022, we had a good year connecting with developers from San Francisco to London to Paris. As 2023 begins, we look forward to more fun at developer events all around the world!

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Clarisse NgGlobal Community Manager

Clarisse is a community manager who enjoys doing yoga, baking and creating activities to help others develop their products/solutions through the use of technology

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