Laura Joins Nexmo’s Developer Relations Team
Published on May 10, 2021

Hello :) I’m Laura Czajkowski and I’m super excited to join the Developer Relations Team at Nexmo!

I live in Godalming, England a city famous for being the first place in the world to get public electricity, way back in 1881.

I’ve been active in the Open Source communities since 2000 and have led and organized conferences on software testing, written documentation, and done lots of advocacy work. In the past, I served four years on the Ubuntu Local Council, nine years on the Community Council, and remain active in the Ubuntu community online and through the project.

I’m passionate about getting people – everyone from primary school students to technology professionals – involved in communities both online and in face-to-face discussions. The wider and more diverse pool of developers we draw from, the greater things we can build.

When I’m not flying the flag of building community and championing open source, my second love is rugby. Hailing originally from Munster in Ireland, I’m a proud rugby fan and follow my team wherever possible. I love to travel and experience new cultures and sights. Places I’d love to visit include New Zealand, Hawaii, and South Africa, or anywhere else sunny and warm!

In my spare time, I like to walk and take photographs or try new restaurants wherever I find myself. I also keep four hens, which is a little out of the ordinary, but it’s rewarding to collect fresh eggs daily. I also have two dogs: a Pug named Bash and a French Bulldog called Pixel. If you follow me on Twitter, you can enjoy loads of pictures of them!
Laura CzajkowskiVonage Alumni